
Industry Insights from a Veteran Bioanalytical Laboratories ADME Kevin Jones, MBA Industry Insights from a Veteran
My entire professional career, beginning from graduation from college, has been focused on fee-for-service analytical services supporting the pharmaceutical and drug development industry on a global...
Vaccines for Ebola Central Laboratories Vaccines Default Author Vaccines for Ebola
The 2014 Ebola crisis unfolded like a Hollywood movie, with gruesome deaths, tragic stories, and global panic about its potential spread. Ebola had never spread so far or fast in the known history of...
Waging War of TB Central Laboratories Infectious Diseases Ayaskant Pany, MD Waging War of TB
Despite the fact that tuberculosis (TB) has been curable, it has become a global epidemic that impacts more people every year than HIV/AIDS. The millions of TB patients worldwide suffer from...