
Studying infectious disease in remote villages Clinical Trials Central Laboratories Ayaskant Pany, MD Studying infectious disease in remote villages
Authors: Dr. Ayaskant Pany, Sorika Van Niekerk, Johan Venter, Nuria Martinez-Alier, Viola-Marie RaubenheimerIncreased global travel means that infectious disease outbreaks are spreading faster and...
Laboratory Expertise for Early Bactericidal Activity (EBA) Studies Infectious Diseases Vaccines Ayaskant Pany, MD Laboratory Expertise for Early Bactericidal Activity (EBA) Studies
Authors: Dr. Ayaskant Pany and Sorika Van NiekerkRead somewhere recently: “What is the biggest constraint for tuberculosis (TB) clinical trials? RESOURCES!” This is so true not only in the...
What Does the Global Tuberculosis Biopharmaceutical Market Need to Grow? Infectious Diseases Vaccines Ayaskant Pany, MD What Does the Global Tuberculosis Biopharmaceutical Market Need to Grow?
Despite significant annual variation in research funding and global funding totals that fall far short of the field’s reported needs, the global market in tuberculosis (TB) diagnostics and treatments...
A Super Battle Against Superbugs: Developing an Effective Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Research Strategy Infectious Diseases Vaccines Ayaskant Pany, MD A Super Battle Against Superbugs: Developing an Effective Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Research Strategy
When most people think of emerging threats to public health, tuberculosis (TB) is unlikely to rise to the forefront of their minds. After all, TB has a long history and has been a well-known global...
Waging War of TB Central Laboratories Infectious Diseases Ayaskant Pany, MD Waging War of TB
Despite the fact that tuberculosis (TB) has been curable, it has become a global epidemic that impacts more people every year than HIV/AIDS. The millions of TB patients worldwide suffer from...