Clinical Trial Flow Cytometry Services
- Anatomic Pathology Laboratory Services
- Bioanalytical Services
- ADME / DMPK Services
- Biomarker Services
- Biotech Laboratory Solutions
- Central Laboratory Services
- Clinical Genomics Laboratory Services
- Companion Diagnostics
- COVID-19 Clinical Trial Solutions
- Flow Cytometry Services
- Translational Science and Innovations Laboratory (TSAIL)
- Vaccine Laboratory Services
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Our Locations
With an exponential growth in the area of personalized medicine and in particular immuno-oncology, we are a leader of flow cytometry companies with the largest global footprint for flow cytometry services, innovative technology that provides high quality high parameter data with minimal variability, and continuous improvement efficiency initiatives to meet customers’ individual study needs.
Next Generation Flow Cytometry
In an effort to continuously provide industry-leading laboratory testing solutions and cutting-edge technologies to drug developers and patients, we have adopted next generation flow cytometry systems in our seven laboratories around the globe covering North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and China, plus a partner laboratory in South Africa, through a multi-year collaboration with Cytek™ Biosciences. After an extensive survey of the available next generation high parameter instruments, the Cytek 5 Laser Aurora instrument was selected to greatly enhance our flow cytometry services. The Cytek Aurora has exceptional capabilities in that it is fluorochrome set independent, exhibits exquisite full spectrum sensitivity (375 nM-1000 nM), has unsurpassed multiplexing capability, provides for high data acquisition rates with no loss in data resolution, and is automation compatible.
OMIQ cloud-based software was selected for high parameter data analysis and reporting after an extensive review of available programs. OMIQ offers a highly flexible modular workflow, traditional analysis capabilities, and an extensive number of well-integrated high parameter analysis algorithms that can be imported, customized, and readily updated. QMIQ provides a unique platform that enables collaboration with pharma/biotech scientists in the clinical trials space.
Custom Panel Design Services
We provide custom panel design for the BD FACSCanto and Cytek Aurora Instruments. Unique and extensive knowledge and experience-based design capability is utilized for the construction of instrument specific fit for purpose panels. Each panel is individually optimized using an iterative design and test process within The Translational Science Laboratories.
Flow Cytometry Result Reporting Automation
Flow cytometry result calculation and reporting was historically a manual process, with time-consuming spreadsheets and paper-based processes. We automated our result reporting process via a proprietary information management software solution. This automation project coincided with our global implementation of the next generation flow cytometry Cytek™ Aurora platform, which generates considerably more data than traditional flow cytometers.
Flow Cytometry Solutions
Our customers have access to global central laboratories, including three satellite translational science assay development laboratories, that are equipped with industry leading development expertise and value-added offerings that bring their drugs to market faster.
Our experienced assay development scientists, scientific advisors, immunologists, geneticists, pathologists, and bioinformaticists in our global central laboratories each play a key role in providing continued engagement with sponsors and providing custom solutions that fit our customers’ needs, such as defining flow cytometry assays and cytokine assays, and identifying flow cytometry assay development challenges.
Our Integrated Flow Cytometry Team includes Translational Science, Clinical Laboratory, and Global Cytometry Teams
Flow Cytometry and Immunoassays for Immuno-Oncology Biomarkers:
- Immuno-Phenotyping
- Receptor Occupancy
- TILs
- Intracellular Cytokine Survey
- Minimal Residual Disease (MRD)
- Circulating Soluble Proteins
We have the largest flow cytometry footprint in the world with our labs around the globe equipped with clinical trial sample production BD FACSCanto 8-10 color and 40 Color Cytek Aurora instruments, which provide a more complete flow cytometry data set more efficiently for our customers. We also implement an integrated scientific approach that drives successful immuno-oncology clinical studies.
Intensive Flow Cytometry Training
We take the necessary steps to ensure our customers’ clinical trial success along the drug development continuum. An intensive flow cytometry training program supports assays new to our facilities that include bench training on sample processing; data acquisition and troubleshooting; data interpretation and analysis; and ongoing internal proficiency testing schemes.
From custom flow cytometry panel design to review of the validation report, data, technology transfer and more, we encourage sponsor engagement throughout the process.
Learn more about our Quality Management System that gives you confidence in the data we deliver.
Flow Cytometry Lab Partner for Your Success
We employ a unique quantitative standardization system in conjunction with automated offset of daily instrument variation to provide a harmonized, proficient, and cost-effective flow cytometry production environment for your study.
Using these resources, plus many more, we are shaping the healthcare market landscape with unique, customizable clinical trial flow cytometry services. We recently announced our deployment of next generation flow cytometry – click here to read the news release.
Learn more about our experience in anatomic and molecular pathology and genomics-based assay development and testing that provide customized, end-to-end solutions for our customers.