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Translational Science and Innovations Laboratory Services (TSAIL)

Translational biomarker solutions to accelerate the adoption of assays

into clinical trials though new technology evaluation and

early biomarker discovery.

In today's evolving, dynamic clinical development environment, central laboratories must adapt to meet the growing demand for early biomarker evaluation before advancement into clinical trials. Bringing biomarkers or novel technologies, into clinical research is becoming increasingly complex and often calls for exploratory biomarker research and new technology evaluation outside the regulatory confines of clinical trials. At Q² Solutions, our dedicated, state-of-the-art Translational Science and Innovation Laboratory (TSAIL) is designed to address these challenges and provide the agility and breadth of translational science capabilities and expertise required to bridge the gap between preclinical and early clinical drug development and to introduce new biomarker-assays into clinical study. This approach ensures that the most effective biomarkers and associated technologies are being validated earlier on and deployed rapidly to accelerate the development of therapeutics.

TSAIL focuses on biomarker discovery activities, exploratory clinical sample testing and new technology evaluation. The scientific team includes experts in anatomic pathology, flow cytometry, genomics, bioinformatics, and immunoassays including cell-based assay.

The center of innovation with access to a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines and expertise




TSAIL’s custom-designed, multidisciplinary space melds industry-leading expertise with numerous cutting-edge technology platforms to support all aspects of biomarker development and delivery. TSAIL supports fit-for-purpose validation by enabling customers to access a broad range of services, including tailored biomarker assay development, bioinformatics, data analytics, digital innovations, and the capability to evaluate novel technologies.


Working with TSAIL provides several benefits including:

  • Access to pre-clinical research technologies and exploratory data to guide clinical trial design;
  • Opportunities for team-building and collaboration with Q² Solutions’ subject-matter experts to enhance clinical trial success;
  • Deployment and outsourcing of biomarker R&D projects that leverage the Q² Solutions ecosystem;
  • Access to established in vitro diagnostic (IVD) and companion diagnostic (CDx) manufacturers in the Q² Solutions network/portfolio;
  • Integration of holistic artificial intelligence/machine learning technologies.
  • TSAIL’s translational scientists can help you to overcome many of the challenges associated with moving biomarkers and technologies from discovery into clinical trials.

Access to a Diverse Portfolio of Technology Platforms

MesoScaleDiscovery (MSD)
Cell-Based Immunology
Cytek Aurora 64 parameter full-spectrum cytometer (FSCM)
Cytek Aurora full-spectrum cell sorter
CTL Immunospot S6 Ultimate Analyzer (ELISpot reader)
Anatomic Pathology
Leica Bond III
Ventana Benchmark
Olympus Stereo Microscope (SZX7)
Multi-Headed (5-8) Brightfield Microscope (BX51)
Fluorescent Microscope/Brightfield Microscope
Abbott Bioview (FISH)
Agilent Dako Omnis
Digital Pathology Scanner Imaging
NanoString Technologies GeoMx DSP
10x Genomic
Agilent TapeStation
Bio-Rad QX200 AutoDG ddPCR System
Fluidigm BioMark HD
HTG EdgeSeq
Illumina MiSeq, MiSeqDx, HiSeq 2500, NextSeq 500/550, NextSeqDx, NovaSeq6000
NanoString nCounter
Qiagen QIAsymphony
ThermoFisher 7500 Fast, 7500 FastDx, Genexus, ViiA7, Quant Studio
ThermoFisher Ion Chef, OneTouch Dx, PGM Dx, S5 XL
ThermoFisher NanoDrop ND-8000, Qubit
ThermoFisher SeqStudio

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