


Q2 Solutions 为细菌病原体和病毒感染原提供临床试验传染病检测能力。我们还拥有科学和技术专业知识,可以利用我们的 生物分析 基因组学 实验室进行研究特定的方法和测定研发。

Q2 Solutions 在美国加州圣胡安-卡皮斯特拉诺有一个 疫苗 实验室,在南非比勒陀利亚有一个附属实验室。在许多情况下,这些卓越中心根据试验地点进行协作。我们的客户可以使用多方面的全球疫苗实验室网络,其中我们洞悉供全球、当地或地区研究用的对法规、海关和样本要求。



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Laval Factsheet

Laval is the mothership site of Nexelis, a Q2 Solutions Company, with a history of success in developing vaccine technology for a broad array of infectious diseases. Download our factsheet to learn...

Through a CRO's Perspective: Innovative, Agile Solutions In Vaccine Efficacy Testing

The outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus caused a sudden shift in focus for the pharmaceutical industry. After the genetic sequence of the virus was released in early 2020, manufacturers across the globe...

Harnessing innovative technologies for clinical trials involving emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases

This white paper highlights the challenges of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases such as TB, MSSA/MRSA, and Ebola. At Q2 Solutions, we support infectious disease clinical trials with a...