
Minimal Residual Disease Detection: Key Considerations for Clinical Development in Oncology

What you should know for your clinical development program

Measurement of residual disease is the best predictor of treatment outcome for leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. First found to be of great value in monitoring chronic myelogenous leukemia, it has become generally useful across other types of leukemia and lymphoma, and has become essential in monitoring, modifying, and reinitiating therapeutic intervention. It has also brought about a new definition of remission based on the detection and measurement of defined levels of residual malignant cells. Although the value of minimal residual disease (MRD) measurement is well defined, the best technical approach can be variable based on several factors.

Download this presentation to learn about the current landscape of minimal residual disease detection, key considerations for each approach, as well as current advancements on the horizon.