
Keeping Up with the Flu: Advances in seasonal influenza vaccine development

Successful seasonal flu vaccine development depends on protecting the world's population against the top 3-4 strains that are expected to be in circulation for the flu season. Keeping track of the flu requires a combination of precision tools, carefully managed processes and high caliber scientific and regulatory expertise.

Download our insight brief and learn 6 critical ways to keep track of the flu to optimize your seasonal flu vaccine development clinical trials. Q2 Solutions' experts understand the critical success factors to support your needs for the development of safe and effective vaccines in time to protect people from seasonal flu.

Wayne Hogrefe, Ph.D., D (ABMLI), Vice President, Q2 Solutions
Sorika van Niekerk MSc, UP, SA, Senior Director, Q2 Solutions
Ayaskant Pany, M.D., Director, Q2 Solutions

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